In many ways, 2019 in general has sucked. Politics has well and truly gone to shit, people online seemingly can no longer do better than either tantruming at each other or giving up and shitposting memes (which honestly is what sustains me through much of it), some truly great and good people have died (again), especially within motorsport... and personally, I've been bogged down with an iron deficiency for several months as a complication of colitis, I've just had to spend nigh-on £1000 fixing the Integra, and my laptop's just given up on loading Windows 7. Also, I've written sentences that are too long. But that's not exclusive to this year...

It's also been the year when I got to interview Ian Callum on three separate occasions – one of which was cut slightly short by the interruption of none other than Andrea Zagato! Which was a bit surreal. I saw the 1900-horsepower Pininfarina Battista electric hypercar before the general public did, and I’ve sat in it (it's good). I managed to squeeze in to the opening day for Caffeine & Machine, a brilliant new venue for car meets. We got Car Design News to 10,000 followers on Instagram, a platform I had never used before working here.

So, a mixed year.

But 2020 needs to be different for me. Yes I still have depression, anxiety and colitis to navigate, but... no more self victimising. No more feeling sorry for myself. No more muddling through and making do. A whole decade has passed with too much staying the same. Time may be arbitrary, but it's as good a cue as any:
New decade, new me.
Just you watch.
